Shawn turned 40 today!! He has been dreading this but here it is!
I woke up early to make him breakfast in bed. I started the Orange Rolls, which I put out the night before to thaw and rise. As they were baking, I got in the shower. Yeah, I ended up leaving the dang things i
n too long so they were a bit over baked...dang it!! The smell woke Shawn up and he came in the kitchen and stole one! I asked him how I was supposed to serve him breakfast in bed if he wasn't in bed??? And told him to get his butt back there! Then I made him a sausage, peppers, and onion omlete. I also got him Spicy V-8 (ick...but he loves it!), orange juice, milk (I didn't over do it on the beverages or anything, eh?), pineapple and another orange roll.
After breakfast we took him his cupcakes which Teishi has made for the occasion the day before...thanks Teishi!! They were his favorites - Chocolate Peanut Butter...YUM-O-
RAMA!!! It's funny, I hid them from the night before so Shawn wouldn't see them. Originally I put them in the oven but then thought better of it (especially after Teishi told me about a time she hid some in the oven, forgot they were there and turned on the oven for so
mething else!) because I knew I would be using the oven for the orange rolls. I ended up putting them in the pantry and Shawn saw them! It didn't even dawn on him (or so he said!) that they were for him! He thought that they were for YW or something! Duh honey, your birthday is the next day!!! LOL! Oh well, I'm glad that he was surprised! He's so cute! He also got BLACK M&Ms and his usual BYU season tickets!
After breakfast and cupcakes, I went to work and the boys went to school. I only worked until 10:30 a.m. because it was the weekend for the Scrapbook USA Expo. I wasn't going to go because it is Shawn's birthday but he wanted to go to a geo-caching, hiking, camping weekend with his friends. I'm glad he had something that he loves to do on his birthday! The night before he got the Jeep out and made sure all was well for the trip. He was so excited! Unfortunately the Jeep broke down in Spanish Fork (about half way to where he was going)! I was at Costco at the time and had a car FULL of items that I had to go unload before I could go get him. By the time I got the car unload, he called and said that his buddy Chris was going to pick him up and he would finish the trip with him. YAY, he still gets to go and isn't delayed for hours like he would be if I had to go get him, go home and get a different vehicle and then go. Nice birthday though with the Jeep breaking down...dang it! Oh well, it worked out okay and he had a GREAT weekend...despite the sunburn and sore musles!
Happy Birthday baby, I LOVE you!
Shawn turned 40 today!! He has been dreading this but here it is!
I woke up early to make him breakfast in bed. I started the Orange Rolls, which I put out the night before to thaw and rise. As they were baking, I got in the shower. Yeah, I ended up leaving the dang things i
After breakfast we took him his cupcakes which Teishi has made for the occasion the day before...thanks Teishi!! They were his favorites - Chocolate Peanut Butter...YUM-O-
After breakfast and cupcakes, I went to work and the boys went to school. I only worked until 10:30 a.m. because it was the weekend for the Scrapbook USA Expo. I wasn't going to go because it is Shawn's birthday but he wanted to go to a geo-caching, hiking, camping weekend with his friends. I'm glad he had something that he loves to do on his birthday! The night before he got the Jeep out and made sure all was well for the trip. He was so excited! Unfortunately the Jeep broke down in Spanish Fork (about half way to where he was going)! I was at Costco at the time and had a car FULL of items that I had to go unload before I could go get him. By the time I got the car unload, he called and said that his buddy Chris was going to pick him up and he would finish the trip with him. YAY, he still gets to go and isn't delayed for hours like he would be if I had to go get him, go home and get a different vehicle and then go. Nice birthday though with the Jeep breaking down...dang it! Oh well, it worked out okay and he had a GREAT weekend...despite the sunburn and sore musles!
Happy Birthday baby, I LOVE you!
What a fun surprise for your hubby. Sounds like a yummy breakfast (minue the V-8 juice - Yuck!! LOL). You're such a sweet wife!! I'd been sound asleep and it'd have to be brunch in bed by the time I woke up to serve it to Ted. LOL
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