Monday, July 7, 2008



Every year my Mom's family has a swim party on the 4th of July. It's a reunion but not an extended family least not very extended. All my Mom's brothers and sisters and their families come. It doesn't go above that though. It's nice to see everyone though. Other than weddings or funerals, this is the only time we see some of the family.

Hey, we should start an auction to help pay for it! Neal and Karla (they live next door to my Mom) always host it because it's their pool and usually provide the meat (hamburgers/hot dogs/chicken). The rest is potluck. An auction could help with fund the meat. I don't want to suggest it though because I don't want to head it up! This year Bob (my Mom's youngest brother) did smoked ribs, brisket, and salmon. It was pretty good but I'm not a huge fan of smoked anything but with lots of BBQ sauce it was delish! I know this was a huge expense for him so a reunion fund might be kinda nice... hmmm, I'll have to think about it...